April 6, 2019

After returning from the U.S., it was great to see Y-san again!! Old friends and new.

1. The madness continues with zombie time!

2. Gesture game: we took turns acting out everyday things and the team with the fastest buzzer push (and the right answer) took the points. Great activity!

3. Broke into little groups to continue Eiken study. (HW continue the Eiken handouts set out in class)

4. Book time. Solid performance by all. (HW practice reading aloud... a lot).

5. Spelling test based on the vocab from last weeks' wordsearch.

6. Things that Fly - A favorite topic inside a favorite topic for me: skydiving. I showed a video of me taking my brother for his first skydive so the kids could get a clearer sense of how to answer the topic on the homework sheet.

7. Reading comprehension: Doing the right thing. By judging an action the students learned how to offer a solution as what would have been the better thing to do!

8. Picture story project - We hit the park with some small character/animal props to see what kind of stories the students could make with a camera and so creativity. Turns out, they are a creative bunch! See the slide show to get some idea at what the kids dreamed up!

Thanks to all and looking forward to another productive upcoming Saturday!! Yay!!



先生にSam!Look at the window!!っと言って先生が窓を見ている間に!!!

何回も繰り返すので、Look at the window!が上手に!遊びながらなので、自然に身に付きます!

Let's go fishing!


It's a small, pink lobster.

It's a small, purple crab.

It's a big turtle.

It's a small, yellow squid.


I caught a fish!!!


今日は、My Bear.   Animals.


Who's he/she?

He is ~.

She is ~.





I can throw a Frisbee.

I can kick a goal.



See you next week.

Click the photo below for a slide show!